I don’t ever want to know it all.
Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna, Confucius, did he know it all?
I’m not comparing myself with God.
That would be too grandiose.
I am god
god is all around me, god is
not a thing, not a thing to be trifled with
I don’t ever want to know it all.
For then I would be done, done, cooked, finé.
When do we begin to come into our own?
I can see it in his face, no longer a boy, not yet a man.
It’s in the eyes.
When we’ve lost our innocence, but gained something greater.
Wisdom perhaps?
You won’t know until you try.
I need to fall down sometimes, and no! I don’t want your help up… thanks.
The jaw line is a little stronger,
more defined.
The mouth smiles,
but it is set.
The placement of the neck on the shoulders,
is established –
Just don’t get too stuck in your ways, boy.
Remember to lift your head child,
every once in a while, read the signs
remember what they say – pay attention to the details.
I wish I had as much faith as my mother
Who are THEY anyway? Faith: complete trust or confidence in someone or
something; trust, belief, conviction; optimism, hope, hopefulness.
It is not true that we start to die the moment we are born.
I do not believe this.
I believe we begin to die the moment we stop trusting in our ability.
If not me, than who?
When I can get off it, so can you.
I’m sorry, I’m really sorry.
I didn’t mean to say that, it just slipped out… or did it…?
That’s what makes us human after all –
These darn things, our minds, I don’t mind, mind your mind daughter.
Who knew it would be this hard?
Easy. Who you callin’ easy, chicken?
Chicken? Who you callin’ chicken, dinner?
This is how my mind works – we all
strive to make connections,
sometimes connecting the most
unreasonable things into a necklace that
resembles a ball and chain more then a string of pearls
don’t put yourself in a box, sister
Reaching for identity
I call myself a name, What's in a name?
That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet
speaks to Romeo
The means by which we share
our hearts
Speak of me as I am.
Nothing extenuate,
nor set down aught in malice.
The means by which we relate as humans
Being to being
I trust you.