Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hey, Hey It's Alright

I am a child of the sun
A woman of the East where the light comes from
A daughter of Demeter

As the winter sets in
I long for that train headed south
I want to jump the tracks and hop one of those old cars
See where that chug-a-lug takes me

I suck the last drops of summer from a honey stick
Thinking how nice it would be to hibernate for the next three – or five months
I struggle to see the beauty through the brunt of the cold

My cheeks sting with the wind and thoughts of popsicles and cut-offs creep into my mind
There’s an internal war going on inside me –
Between wanting, needing, and shoulds, woulds and coulds

Too much time spent indoors with my own thoughts is not a good thing
Some may argue, but with the way I think, it’s just too much
How about throwing me a bone or giving me a helmet – life’s hard you know?
I need something I can sink my teeth into

Winter don’t take no vacation
So I do what I can
Give me a piƱa colada with a straw and a fur parka – I’ll make it work

Monday, November 17, 2008

Contact Improv

From a workshop I did last Saturday. Afterward, writing about it was so hard, I almost couldn’t put words to the experience of being there. But I felt I had to share the sweetness of the day. So I did my best to lead you into the room with the other dancers and have you be there in the moments of movement. To help you understand a bit more, here is a thought from a discussion I had with my sister. We decided that Contact Improvisation is to the general public, as Abstract Impressionism is to a kinder gardener – it cannot be taught until you have a foundation of the principals of art and design, or in this case, technique in body mechanics. It is simply reverting back to the basics of movement, but in a way we may never have thought of it before. Open the mind and body to the unknown and you will BE art.

Sitting in a circle, creating less linear lines in the world.
We shared our names and an adjective; bright, adventurous, happy, grateful.
We had the support of each other, unconditionally.
Points of contact were limitless.
Savoring every connection, we danced.
Trust was not an issue for those who committed fully to the experience of movement.
Freedom of expression for everyone.

Within the boundaries of the walls and the wood stove, few words were exchanged.
Dancing to the music of our own hearts, the possibility was everywhere.
Influence and inspiration was tangible.
What better way to get to know someone than to share the power of touch?
With open arms we danced.
A uniqueness shared, made us similar but not the same.

Connecting was our mission.
On that day we danced for ourselves and our friends.
Nothing could stop that sweetness.
Together we shared the rhythm of our own spirits
All we did was melt into the comfort and support of one another.
Creating art in motion, we danced.
Trying new things, we were free to experiment as we wished.

Feeling so alive.
My body delighted in the touch and the resistance of movement.
Potential for the spontaneous occurred all day long.
Ruefully we played.
Opening doorways to the unknown.
Vivaciously expressing what we knew, but could not find words for – we danced.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

joyeux anniversaire

One day a year I get to be queen for a day

Starting with an unexpected birthday card from the head honcho publisher at the newspaper “my boss.”

Followed with phone calls from my family and friends

Silly cards from my co-works

A bedecked decked-out desk with streamers and balloons

Flowers from my parents – delivered to work

A sparkly tiara with sapphire Rhine stones and matching gaudy earrings

Complete with Pineapple scented bubbles

A Chai latte

And many, many smiles and kind words

Picturesque of an over zealous cupcake being eaten by 21 years on this wonderful planet

And I LOVE it!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Being there, Getting there

You know those days when you just want to BE there?
Wherever there might be.
Today for instance, I was driving home – I really didn’t want to drive, I just wanted to be there and not spend time getting there.
Yes, yes, okay, that’s all very applicable to every aspect of life, and it even sounds a bit spiritual. But I’m serious.
It’s the driving or “doing” that is the point.
That’s the stuff of life.
You have to DO the thing in order to get there.
One can’t just simply BE there now.
Or can we?
This is all sort of becoming a great paradox.

This is when driving long distances alone, becomes a great self-evaluator.