Tuesday, October 12, 2010


All it is, is a wish to inspire
All I’ve got, is an itch for it to become my life
The notion of loving, is it defined
Create the space for it to show up in
If you were it, what would you be
How come it is so difficult, and yet, when you stop trying it falls in your lap
Try, how come we try to find it
And define it, and refine it
Why does it exist
(For now, don’t ask why)
It is time for rebirth
The glass is filled to the brim, it is spilling over
It is not a dream
It has a hold on me
I have to remember not be afraid of it
Cultivate it
Manifest it
Groove, baby, groove, because it is all you got
“First time here, how does it work?” 

Get Something

I got Buddha on my speed dial,
Doin’ all he can
I got Jesus on my friend list,
Looking mighty fine
I got Mohammed making waffles,
In my kitchen drinkin’ wine
I got Gandhi turning tables,
Til’ the end of time
What do you got? 

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Being Honest

I can’t decide weather it’s better to write crap
or not write at all. I’ve come to the conclusion that
as long as I’m writing I can’t be blamed for
not creating, and since there’s a chance that even
when I DO write, I might still be blamed for writing
crap, so here you have it, take it or leave it. This is
an honest attempt in relinquishing judgment of myself.

I’ll admit, I have a tendency to conclude before knowing
and therefore simultaneously deciding upon something
before I have sufficient knowledge upon which to evaluate.

Whether I like to admit it or not, my quality of being,
relies heavily on the attitudes and emotions of others
who I am close to. I take what you say to heart. I trust you.
Please be careful with MY heart, and I will be careful with