Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Venturing into the Unknown

I’ve become Detached,
Now I want to find Devotion

Detachment: objectivity, open-mindedness, neutrality, impartiality; indifference, loosening, disconnection, disengagement, separation; removal.

Removal of emotion from my heart
Separation of material things
Indifference towards death
Open-mindedness when it comes to dealing with others
Loosening my hold on the meaning of life

I have become Detached.

Life: the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death

To change; not by replacing one thing for another, but merely varying the ways of expressing, arranging, doing or being something; entirely transforming.

Transformation: a metamorphosis during the life cycle of an animal.

Cycle: the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth round,
rotation; pattern, rhythm.

Rhythm is the sounds that come from our hearts. The beat to which we dance, the beat to which we let our limbs become akimbo

Akimbo: (of limbs) flung out widely or haphazardly.

When I speak of devotion, I want my arms and legs to be flying wildly.
I want to scream and shout my fidelity from the rooftops.
I want to pledge my allegiance with the fire of knowing love.

Devotion: loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity, constancy, commitment, adherence, allegiance, dedication; fondness, love, admiration, affection, care.

When I speak of devotion, this is what I mean –

To take care of my heart
Affection for the small things
Adherence towards being courageous
Dedication to the ones I love
Consistency in loving unconditionally
Faithfulness when repeating the names of God

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Analyze that! I dare you.

I don’t ever want to know it all.
Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna, Confucius, did he know it all?

I’m not comparing myself with God.
That would be too grandiose.

I am god
god is all around me, god is 

not a thing, not a thing to be trifled with

I don’t ever want to know it all.
For then I would be done, done, cooked, finé.

When do we begin to come into our own?
I can see it in his face, no longer a boy, not yet a man.

It’s in the eyes.
When we’ve lost our innocence, but gained something greater.

Wisdom perhaps?
You won’t know until you try.

I need to fall down sometimes, and no! I don’t want your help up… thanks.
The jaw line is a little stronger,

more defined.
The mouth smiles,

but it is set.
The placement of the neck on the shoulders,

is established –
Just don’t get too stuck in your ways, boy.

Remember to lift your head child,
every once in a while, read the signs

remember what they say – pay attention to the details.
I wish I had as much faith as my mother

Who are THEY anyway? Faith: complete trust or confidence in someone or
something; trust, belief, conviction; optimism, hope, hopefulness.

It is not true that we start to die the moment we are born.
I do not believe this.

I believe we begin to die the moment we stop trusting in our ability.
If not me, than who?

When I can get off it, so can you.

I’m sorry, I’m really sorry.
I didn’t mean to say that, it just slipped out… or did it…?

That’s what makes us human after all –
These darn things, our minds, I don’t mind, mind your mind daughter.

Who knew it would be this hard?
Easy. Who you callin’ easy, chicken?

Chicken? Who you callin’ chicken, dinner?

This is how my mind works – we all
strive to make connections,

sometimes connecting the most
unreasonable things into a necklace that

resembles a ball and chain more then a string of pearls
don’t put yourself in a box, sister

Reaching for identity
I call myself a name, What's in a name?

That which we call a rose

By any other name would smell as sweet

speaks to Romeo

The means by which we share
our hearts

Speak of me as I am.
Nothing extenuate,

nor set down aught in malice.
The means by which we relate as humans

Being to being
I trust you.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Dance, This Dance

Getting to dance with J today.
A sweet dance of contact improvisation
Our bodies matched and complimented
one another
Melding, fitting together, playing with
sharing weight, counter balance,
giving and taking
Experimenting with letting our minds
In our 50/50 dance, no one lead,
neither fallowed
A mutual conversation of grace
that was stumbling and
awkward at times, but
all part of the dance.
Tumbling together
Experiencing together
The curves of our bodies
met in space
Leaving our minds behind,
our bodies were free to communicate
Learning the contours of a new dance
Listing with our limbs
Free to share in this dance across
            the floor
With a destination in mind, [the other side of the room], we would
reach it without trying to reach it
Without hesitation I let myself
be carried by the dance