Thursday, January 7, 2010

This Evening

 “Shut up.” I mumbled to the dog across the street.
As it’s incessant barking grated on my nerves.
Irritated, I stacked my jacket, yoga mat, water bottle, sneakers, book, purse, and keys –
Precariously balancing them between my two arms, and chin.
Just then I saw a figure moving toward me.
It tipped his hat and said, “Good evening.”
Speechless I stared at the elderly man and his dog.
Heart beating, but not terrified, I quickly blurted out, “Evening!” and turned away.
As I reached my front door, a smile crossed my lips, and I silently thanked the old man for making my day.

Friday, January 1, 2010

The beauty, The love, Mon amour

The beauty, the love, mon amour
J’adore the light, the sun, the radiant rays
The red, the yellow, the orange
Colors blending into the dark night
Nouvelle chance. Que désirez-vous?
Donnez le moi, the mystery, the wonder…
Voici! Voici! Mon cheri.
Qu’est-ce que c’est?
that brings us here
A minute in time n’est-ce pas?
Comment vous appelez-vous?
Que désirez-vous?
Je m’appelle Le Wind.
I desire life. Sans doute.
En haut, en bus, est-ce quelque chose, est-ce rien. Dîtes-moi, dîtes-moi!
Up, down, is it something, is it nothing. Tell me, tell me!
Apportez-moi your thoughts, vous hopes et fears.
There you are, voilà, voilà!
The color rouge
The moment of passion
C’est possible to be this lovely?
Je vais l’regard, tu vas searching.
Qui? Pourquoi? Où?
Questions arise, answers fallow.
Bonjour, bonsoir, bonne nuit
Thoughts of you never fade
C’est mon amour
It is my love
Il n’y a pas, there isn’t any more.
A cause de désirez, there is nothing but you.
How many lives will I spend with my heart set on vous?
With my soul wrapped up in you?
Voici mon ami, voici mon chance.
Merci beaucoup, por vous.

Écrit avec mon best girl, Kumari, while sipping café crème and smoking cigarettes on the first of January in the year 2010.