Tuesday, February 1, 2011

That Umbrella Day

The man with the Broken Green Umbrella
What good is a broken umbrella?
One edge sags in and with each step
the corner
slaps the metal pole
showering him with
spray and getting his shoes wet

What is it that I really want to say?
I want to find God
I want to find myself
I want sex,
hot tea on a rainy day.
It’s all been said before and we are dying inside
for lack of inspiration and passion

The Man says, Get a job
The People say, Give us freedom
The Women say, Love me
The Men say, Respect me
The Children say, Play with me
But we are ALL the same

We bow to a God up there –
call him by a name and give our souls
away to the church of our Desire
The prophets and the saints told us to
stand on our own two feet
We were born into this world in this form
Mary Oliver said,
“What will you do with this one wild
and precious life?”
I seek beauty and friendship
I want to walk on this Earth and not die
before my time
as an old,

Shot down at the hand of someone who has
forgotten how to love
Robbed by someone who was never told how
wonderful they were
Run over by lack of attention and care
Grabbed by Cancer because pollution is everywhere
It is undeniable – seized by desire we become
slaves to our bodies
Tame those wild notions of separateness and ease
into your unique qualities – you are a person,
same as me.
I may look different than you, I may act different, I may say
some pretty obscene things, but at the core, we are
all the same.
Desire for fulfillment.
And how to obtain this you ask?
Well my lovely, there is not right way or wrong
there is no set of rules
for this life,
The Bible does not say it all – how could it?
The Vedas to not
hold the ultimate truth – how could they?

I am an American, I came from entrepreneurs,
innovators, a people who cultivated in themselves
a strength to do things differently. I came
from a melting  pot of ideas and races and
origins – I am not one, separate, worthy, white,
female – I am a soul same as you.
With a brain, a pair of eyes, a set of morals,
two ears, two legs, two hands and a tongues to form sounds into
syllables to tell you how much I love you. 

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