Thursday, September 4, 2008

On my way home this evening

On my way home this evening,
I saw a red pick-up truck with ladders on top
And I thought of You.
I watched a couple as they savored and indulged in two identical ice cream cones
And I thought of you.
I heard a child laugh with innocence and pure pleasure
And I thought of YOU.
When I stepped through my door, I found Janis, I turned her up loud
And I thought of you.
Reading the newspaper, as I rifled through to the cooking section
And I thought of you.
Sitting here, writing this,
And I thought of you.
You are my guide, my brick wall, my stead-fast pillar of knowing.
you are the one who knows me and my life, we share and play and talk and I am here for you and you are there for me, no matter what.
YOU are my blood, my other half, the letters after my name, in my heart forever and always.
you are my cocoon and my warmth, you are me and I am you.
you are the one I am getting to know as a well as I know my other half.
you will always be and always have been my aspiration and mold of inspiration, the one with the light and dark, to find and be found, to hold and be held by those who love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my!
What a puzzle you weave, my dear!

You break open my heart and the gratitude pours in.

Much love, forever and ever to YOU, my daughter.