Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Late Night Poem

There’s such a bad rap about staying up late lately
All the health professionals will tell you that it’s better to eat before 7 and be in bed before 10 (sounds like when I was ten).
But that’s when my muse comes out to play!
She’s satiated by late-night episodes of wine, cherries, and pop-corn.

When the sun goes down my synapses fire faster,
Because in the mid-day heat I can’t see strait. 
I’m 25 and I still believe I can have it all—
In a tea cup, a man, and a bag of whatever.
Would you tell your child not to reach for the stars?

Are you still reaching for the stars, or…
Have you succumb to that holler about low-carb, no protein, strictly green diets?
What about the craving?
Is She satisfied with one kind of herbal tea and oatmeal?
Are you neurotic.

Sometimes being Adult means choosing to stay up late, going out dancing, drinking too much, swearing just for fuck’s sake, and knowingly having unprotected sex.
It’s my choice
To let the muse out.
She’s bursting at the seams and needs a little Healing!

Too much, too little, not enough, wanting, caring, forgetting, indulging, being irresponsible, talk back to me and we can scream at each other until there’s blood on the page and, after all, that’s what they want to see—no guts no glory.
Get up early, greet the dawn as She steams in my open window.
It’s June and summer’s just approaching.

Let go of your inhibitions.
Try to BE somebody useful.
Make good art.
Say thank you, because later might be too late.
It’s late, and I’m not even tired.

The screen door’s open wide and the cool breeze prickles my skin.
Who is She and where am I?
Give me something to Work with!
I’m down on my knees begging, no better than that man on the corner with the sign:
“Homeless, Broke, anything Helps.”

So why all this separation and desperation to connect?
What ever happened to those days when guys actually ran after the girls, catching up to them, gently tugging their arm, and asking with their eyes, “Do you love me?”
All I’m saying is fear and technology ruin everything.  

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