Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Dry mouth

Because I like starting sentences with the word "because," and I enjoy watching people squirm. Because I know you because I know me. Because each time I sit down to write, I tell myself, "You can do better," so I stop. Because what we most need to learn is often the most uncomfortable. Because I'm blessed, not lucky. Because she loves him and he doesn't know what a good thing he's got. Because if we can't tell the truth, then what else is there to say? Because if you're willing to "get off it" you might just learn something worthwhile. Because I can and you can and we will, no matter what, continue to do what we do. Don’t fuck it up, not even because you can; although sometimes I’d like to. I’d like to just disappear because I can, but that’s not the point. I’m not sure when the point is but I do know what it’s not, and why. Because today is the day after my birthday. Because I’m 25 now and not getting any younger and the only thing left for me to do is practice what I have been taught. Because practicing is the essence of what is, and what is the reality of the situation whether I like it or not. Because I’m blonde. Because I’m a women. I know you because I know me, and I know me because I pay attention. PAY ATTENTION! And be grateful. And don’t kill, and stop whining, and remember to just be kind because that girl sitting in front of me has way more to overcome in her life than I do. How do I know? I told you already pay attention. Because if it weren’t for words I’d be at a loss, and because of words I’m also at a loss. Because I try too hard to make you like me. Because I could really care less what they thought of me, at least in this town. Because I’m through with pleasing other people. Because my life is about God. Because I dress up for the Divine. Because I want something much more than a cappuccino, but damn, that sounds good right now. Because love is all you need and the voices in your head are probably lying. Because the body is capable of so much and those men in white collared shirts—do they iron their shirts or do their wives? Does it matter? Because that fact is I could go on, and on, but I won’t. Because it’s all been said before in different languages. Parce que. Porque. لأن. Fordi. Sest. Επειδή. Mar gheall ar. Deoarece. Vì.

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