Thursday, November 12, 2009

November 12th

I wake up to the sound of my phone going off –
It’s a text from my dear friend
I have three more that I haven’t even read yet
Today is going to be a very good day
Stumbling, sleepily into the kitchen, I discover that my mother has bought me flowers
My favorite
This day just keeps getting better
After rehearsing my lines for the play while atop the porcelain thrown
I barely make it to my yoga class in time
Two other people come into class after I do – I don’t feel so bad any more
Coffee with the girls, then down town to enjoy the Autumn day
Yellow leaves cover the wilting grass and the breeze blows hard
Heading into shops, we find things that make us laugh
In the art store – paint brushes that feel like silk again our cheeks
In the show store – the most hideous of shoes
In the candy shop – everything phallic
Then home for lunch and 12 e-mails later I’m still smiling
Out again – vintage black dress with a brown leather belt
I’ll wear that Saturday
No paintings of Jeanne d’Arc in the library’s collection
That’s the least of my worries, I have a gift certificate to get new shoes!
Home again and more smiles – who knew so many people cared!
White wine and spaghetti with my mom
She told me I woke her up laughing in my sleep last night
Something must be going right in my life
Mona Lisa Smile
Hot chocolate
Bed Time
What a fabulous Birthday
Let’s make tomorrow just as good!

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