Friday, December 13, 2013

Inspired by forks. Or maybe spoons...

I ate my salad with a spoon on my dinner break.
Such convenience as a fork—
What luxury.

What if we all posed our left hands the task of eating
Salad with a spoon
Or soup with a fork?

Would the food taste that much better
Or would frustration bitter the taste
Of olive oil and herbs?

I’m not perfect.
I forget my forks at home.
I trip over cracks in the sidewalk.

These façades we wear,
These masks of false control  
And Independence;

There’s a break in the rational of the universe:
Eight-hour days, five days a week, no sick pay
No vacation pay, two holidays a year without bonuses.

There’s a gap in the reality of it all 

Friday, December 6, 2013

I work in a high-end bakery and I love my job.

Customer service is something of an art form
After all, it's the business of people we're talking about.

We put on a dinner party at 6am
Seven days a week.

Outside the parking lot is slick with ice and snow.
Inside, the spell of fresh chocolate glaze donuts satiates my nose.

Then there are the delicately pink Parisian macaroons filled with raspberry jam.
The dark chocolate covered marshmallows that are as big as my palm.

Croissants, galettes, gougère, cookies, tarts, pies to fill your mouth. 
Why might someone buy a sweet treat anyway? 

I hand out smiles and pleases and thank yous. 
I receive cash, cards, thanks, and the occasional sincere smile

Usually from children and those with no other agenda but to 
Indulge their confectionary desires.

Smiles come easy when needs are being met.
Pleasures erase those hard lines made by the word "No." 

I am a conductor for a symphony of sugar and souls. 
A gracious gift.